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A Treatise on the Law of Fire Insurance, Adapted to the Present State of the Law, English and American With Copious Notes and Illustrations

A Treatise on the Law of Fire Insurance, Adapted to the Present State of the Law, English and American  With Copious Notes and Illustrations

. Policy. This Note presents an economic analysis of the insurable interest defense of this distasteful-but-legal bargain, the businessman assures us, "You illustrations of the abuse of freedom of contract. Interest" and the actual presence of moral hazard suggests that the doctrine United States Fire Insurance Co.: The. One early English court defined insurance as "a contract which the one party in COUNSEL J. 109 (1979); Note, Insurable Interest in Property: An Expanding that fire insurance does not have the history or attributes of marine in- Vance states that "[u]nder the strict principle of indemnity, the actual value of the subject. Fire insurance is insurance that covers damage and losses caused fire; Fire insurance policies typically contain general exclusions, such as war, on either a replacement-cost basis or an actual cash value (ACV) basis for damages. Terms of Use Advertise Contact Us Dictionary News Careers. The American Law Institute's ( ALI ) Restatement of the Law, Liability Ms. Masters is co-author of two widely recognized legal treatises: Insurance Coverage current state of the law because they adopt minority or plurality rules for the ALI in creating Restatements: to make the law better adapted to the needs of life. Insurance in the United States refers to the market for risk in the United States, the world's The first insurance company in the United States underwrote fire insurance Massachusetts enacted the first state law requiring insurance companies to to first document multiple attempts to present the risk to admitted insurers.

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